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#  North Atlantic Rings Cruises
#    1972-1986
#    Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with 
#      Net tow, P.I.
#   version[cn
#   P. Wiebeion: 2017-07-24 [co017-07-24  OCded ted spelling of Nelat & lon; addedt, 07 vol_filol_filt, 07 vol_filt, disp_vol, abundances]
# 	replaces v. 2015-02-27
cruiseid  year  
G191      1972  
G197      1972  
AII-71    1972  
CH111     1973  
KN35      1973  
KN38      1974  
AII-85    1974  
CH125     1975  
KN53      1975  
OC07      1976  
KN62      1976  
KN65      1977  
EN11      1977  
KN71      1977  
AII-101   1978  
SH-001    1981  
SH-002    1981  
OC98      1981  
SH-003    1981  
SH-004    1981  
SH-005    1981  
AII-110   1981  
OC106     1981  
OC109     1981  
OC111     1981  
OC112     1982  
OC114     1982  
OC116     1982  
OC118     1982  
OC121     1982  
OC125     1982  
KN98      1982